Here are some pics of the finished rudder and elevator servo installation. We used Futaba 9650 servos so we could mount it on its side to get rid of the up and down movement as the servo is moving. The elevator servo is mounted normally and the stab slides over the servo. I just traced the servo and cut it out with a sharp X-acto, then doubled it on the inside with some 1/8th lite ply. I use MK BB at the servo and a ball link at the surface. Its connected with 072 carbon rod that is glued at each end with med Zap. Do not use kicker on these connections. It isn't nearly as strong as when allowed to dry on its own.
Here are a couple of pic's of the split rudder and attached to the fuse. We are using ca hinges and what we do is hinge each rudder in the same place then put both sets into the rudder post. Also shown are the wing and stab hinged.
After all hinging is done now comes the install of the aileron servos. First I cut out the covering over the servo cut out and leave extra to fold into the servo bay then shrink it. I use 1/4 x 3/8 spruce for the servo mount so after I cut and fit I glue them into place. After mounting the servo and horn I use some trim monokote to cover the Futaba BSL 451servo
Some pic's of the install and how I am getting airflow through the firewall. Since I am running electric I am abel to mount the Rx. and rx. battery with velcro. The FlightPower batteries that power the motor are held in with velcro and a velcro strap.
The clips to hold the servo wires are Mini Adhesive-Backed Clips (10-Pack) Model: 278-1668 from Radio Shack
I have been asked how the SFG's are mounted and if they are necessary. I don not know how the Pass-Port flies without them, I just know that is does so well I am afraid to take them off. So here are the pic's of the SFG's mounting. The SFG's are made out of balsa and covered.The wingtip helps with the strength so nothing special is done to them
Here are some pictures of the Pass-Port complete
I now have about 25 flights on the plane and the plane is rock solid. The equipment used is as follows
Futaba 14MZ 2.4 with 6014 rx.
Futaba 9650 Rudder and Elevator servos
Futaba BLS 451 on the Ailerons
Neu Motors NEU-F3A-1
Castel Creations HV85
FlightPower 2x 5350 5SP for the motor power
FlightPower 350 mah for the rx.
MK Ball links on all servos
MK tail wheel
APC 20.4 x 14E prop
We believe the best setup is .5 degree positive on the wings and the stab set at 0 degrees. The motor has been set to the nose ring and is correct. The CG is on the center of the wing tube and the weight came out at 10 lbs and 15oz without any work. I have 6 percent rudder to elevator mix and 5 percent rudder to aileron mix. The plane is rock solid and the best rolling plane I have ever flown, it does all of the rolling manuevers with ease. So far I have not seen any problems with the plane. The only thing that I would do (if you are going glow ) is beef up the fuse by adding an extra former behind the canopy and add a crutch down the back of the fuse. The plane is build light so the YS can do some damage if you are not careful. The weight with the YS 170 is 10 lbs 6 oz so you have some room to make it a little stronger.
Whitley and Trinity with my new
Pass-Ports by CA Models
Futaba 14MZ 2.4 GHz.
Motor NEU-F3A-1
Castle HV85
FlightPower EVO F3A 5350